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Date Posted: 12:31:07 11/03/07 Sat
Author: No name
Subject: SNS Frosty Fest 2007

Frosty Fest 2007
Nov 10th
Hampton Inn
Hazard , Ky
Registration is from 12:00-12:30 Pageant will begin promptly at 1:00p.m.
Hosted by: Teresa Spicer Beauty Wear: Pageant dress or Sunday best ( off the rack)
Attire: Christmas Wear ( Can be custom or off the rack).
Nothing fake allowed. We are a natural pageant system!!!!
Judging will be Facial Beauty (0-50), Personality & Confidence(0-25) First Impression (0-25) All ties will be broken on beauty score first.
No fake hair, tanning, hair extensions, flippers and etc.
Contestants will model in a T formation (3x’s in back & 1 in front). One parent is allowed on stage with contestants age 4 and under. No refunds will be given unless pageant is cancelled and not rescheduled. Door admission will be $7.00, children 5 and under and contestants are free. Admission is for judges, and other supplies. Judges will be highly qualified and their decisions are final!!!!!! Anyone showing poor sponsorship will be disqualified and asked to leave without any awards or refunds. Pageants are for fun and to meet new people, so please treat everyone as you would like to be treated. Score sheets will be given out after crowning. No one is to approach the judges before or during the pageant. Judges will be available for questions after crowning.
Any questions call or email:
Teresa Spicer (606)398-5455mailto:teresas606@yahoo.commailto:williamkirk@alltel.net
www.sugarnspicepageants.bravehost.com website
sugarnspicepageants@yahoo.com is email
Girls age divisions: 0-11mths,12-23mths,2yrs,3yrs4-5yrs,6-7yrs,8-10yrs,11-14yrs,&15-18, 19&up.
There will be a boys divisions:0-23mths,2-3yrs,4-7,8&up
May change with the number of entries.
(Girls)1 GRAND ELITE SUPREME: This is the contestant with the highest score of the day. Winner will receive a crown, sash, plaque and gift & registration fees paid to national.
3 GRAND SUPREMES; This is the contestant with the highest score of the day after elite is pulled. Winner will receive a crown, sash, plaque, and gift and registration fees paid to national.
2 MINI SUPREMES; This is the contestant with the highest score of the day after elite and grand are pulled. Winner will receive a crown, sash, plaque , and gift and registration fees paid to national.
(Boys)1GRAND ELITE SUPREME: This is the contestant with the highest score of the day. Winner will receive a kings crown, sash, plaque and gift and registration fees paid to national.
1GRAND SUPREME: ( will add if we get 6 boy entries) This is the contestant with the highest score of the day after elite is pulled. Winner will receive a kings crown, sash, plaque and gift and registration fees paid to national .
9 QUEENS: Winners will receive a nice crown, sash, plaque and gift.
Princess: Will receive a crown, sash, plaque and gift and registration fees paid to national.
Kings: Will receive a kings crown, sash, plaque and gift and registration fees paid to national.

Age division optionals will include: most beautiful/most handsome, best personality, prettiest smile/best smile, prettiest hair/best hair, prettiest eyes/best eyes, best Christmas wear. A plate for plaque will be given for each.

Overalls will be: Best Personality & Best Christmas wear. Nice medallion and gift will be given for overalls

* Enter pageant free with 5 referrals. 4 or less you will get $10.00 off for each. Can’t be siblings.

**Early deadline is October 20and receive a gift.
Mail entry form & money orders to :
Teresa Spicer 12183 Ky hwy 28 Gays creek, Ky 41745 606-398-5455
Sorry we can not accept checks unless by a sponsoring business.
Supreme Package $80.00

Frosty Fest 2007
Hazard , Ky
Deadline is Nov 6th
(Must have $40.00 deposit in by this date in order to have enough awards.
$80.00 Supreme Package
* Siblings discount may enter for $50.00. Not including extras listed. Please fill out an separate form
$____________Amount Enclosed
$____________Balance due at registration( must be cash)
Emcee Sheet
Sex___Full Address_________________________________________________________
Future Ambition__________________________________________________
Referred by:______________________________________________________
By signing below I agree to abide by all the rules & all rights to file claimes will be waived. I completely understand & agree that the pageant, Teresa Spicer, workers, judges, or the place where the pageant is held is not responsible for any accidents for injuries, or lost or stolen items that may occur during, before, or after pageant. I also agree to be responsible for my child or children at all times. And will pay any unpaid balances owed. I agree that all judges decisions are final & any bad conduct will not be tolerated. And will result in disqualification. No refunds will be given unless pageant is cancelled and not rescheduled.
Parents/Guardian Signature_______________________
Must be signed or contestant will not compete!!!!!!!!!!!!
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.sugarnspicepageants.bravehost.commailto:sugarnspicepageants@yahoo.com">http://www.sugarnspicepageants.bravehost.commailto:sugarnspicepageants@yahoo.com</a>

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