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Date Posted: 17:57:08 12/04/06 Mon
Author: Xelr8 Team Leader Xelr8 Internet Team Xelr8
Subject: Xelr8 Internet Marketing Team Xelr8's #1 Team


Xelr8 Energy Drink 350 Pro Athletes use the Xelr8 Energy Drink Xelr8 Energy Drink 350 Pro Athletes use the Xelr8 Energy Drink

XELR8 An exciting new company launched March 4, 2006!

IT ALL STARTED with a few hundred of the most celebrated athletes in the world. Now the ”Secret of the Superstars” is out!

Find out for yourself why 350 Professional& Olympic athletes say they NEVER want to be without these extraordinary XELR8 products...


Take the Xelr8 Tour Today:


Already, over 100 people have made $1,000 or more with XELR8 in their spare time, within the first 30 days.

Here's how it works:

Xelr8 Energy Drink 350 Pro Athletes use the Xelr8 Energy Drink

To earn money with XELR8, you become an independent distributor.

It's simple: Get started with a Gold Pack, then enroll 4 people who want to do what you just did (get started with a Gold Pack), then your each of your four people do what you just did. You're setting in motion a team that duplicates by 4, which can grow to a tremendous organization of loyal customers and distributors across the country and, ultimately, around the world. As an XELR8 distributor, you can get paid a commission percentage on the volume generated through their purchases, month after month, as your business grows.



You want to have the XFACTORPLUS

Xelr8 Energy Drink 350 Pro Athletes use the Xelr8 Energy Drink



Xelr8 XFACTORPLUS does it all:

Now it’s simple for everyone to grow a huge XELR8 network of distributors and customers from home! This system takes care of 99% of everything for you!





Xelr8 Energy Drink 350 Pro Athletes use the Xelr8 Energy Drink


XELR8 Energy Drink

XELR8 mlm business

XELR8 XFactorPlus marketing system

XELR8 Products





XELR8 Local Distributors


XELR8 at Squidoo

XELR8 Energy Drink News

XELR8 Energy Drink News at forbes.com

XELR8 at Del.icio.us

XELR8 at UsFreeads.com


XELR8 Xelr8


























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