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Date Posted: 08:17:46 01/23/09 Fri
Author: Pranab Jyoti Ghosh
Subject: Air as a source of energy, a new of producing electricity without any fuel

My name is Pranab Jyoti Ghosh, I am an Indian physics graduate and I have theoretically developed a technology on producing energy without any kind of fuel. This technology is about producing energy by extracting heat from atmosphere. This technology is a combination of processes that are well tested and now in use in different industries and research projects. I have done everything that I can do by myself. But for further advance, I need financial and technical assistance. I specifically want to make a virtual prototype by using data from different experiments that I have collected from different industries and research projects and after that get a patent and start licensing this technology. Those who are reading this message, other than the venture capitalists, are requested to guide me to persons, organizations, institutes and others, who can probably take interest in my work and will help me to make my idea a reality. I am assuring them that this project is just need to be made and improved. All the basic experiments had been already done successfully and enough data had been gathered. In short, it is a new and exciting kind of technology and as far as I know, nothing like this exists this day. Can anybody help me to make my idea a reality?
I have posted this idea on some blogsites and got responses like this. “Violating 2nd law of thermodynamics”, “impossible”, “the vapor produced will be instantly liquefied as soon as it will be released into normal pressure etc and other arguments like this. But, when I have replied them with my logic and put before them the experimental results, there will be no solid reply thereafter. Actually all the oppositions come from, in my opinion, from wrong interpretation of 2nd law of thermodynamics. In this explanation, heat embedded in atmosphere and oceans around us are part of entropy and trying to extracting the heat is trying to decrease the entropy of the universe and as per 2nd law, entropy always increases. But, this is not true, because machines that can extract atmospheric heat and capable of converting that into electricity had been invented long ago, before the birth of Christ. Long ago (nearly 500 B.C), Chinese people invented a toy that extracts heat energy from the atmosphere and turns that into motion. Though I called it a toy, because it was never used for production purpose. But according to the terminologies of physics, it is an engine, because it converts one type of energy (heat) into other type of energy (motion). In fact, it is a thermodynamic engine. You will find the description of that toy on books on popular science. So, at least there is one example that atmospheric energy can be extracted and turn into motion energy. I think it is enough to prove the basic scientific feasibility of my work. In spite of that, if somebody still complaining that my project violates second law of thermodynamics. Then I am requesting him to calculate the entropy of my project. None have tried that yet, because I am sure that if they do so, they certainly will find that at the end of the process, entropy of the universe has increased, instead of decreased as they want the result to prove that this technology violates 2nd law of thermodynamics. For readers understanding, I am giving below a short zest of the technology.
This project is aimed at producing electricity by using the vast heat content of atmosphere. The scheme is basically aimed as producing electricity by extracting heat from atmosphere. In this project, this is done by using mechanical arrangement similar to heat pump. This system is used to squeeze energy from huge volumes of air and to produce temperature difference by which energy can be produced. It is to be noted that fresh water and salt are added bonus to this project, as salty brackish water can be used in this project. This is done by vaporizing water inside an enclosed container named “Evaporator” with the help of a vacuum pump. As the vacuum pump sucks air from the container, the water inside began to evaporate and in this process collects its latent heat of vaporization from water. For that reason, the water inside becomes colder and heat began to flow in from outside. Thus in effect, the latent heat of vaporization of water is collected from outside atmosphere. In the open-cycle OTEC, vapor is produced in the same manner and on experiment it was found that to have vapor flow rate of 1 kg/sec, power needed at the vacuum pump is 3 KW. Whereas, the latent heat embedded in 1 kg of vapor is 2.31 MW. After the vapor is produced, it is heated further with adiabatically compressed, hot air. After heating the vapor in the Boiler, the hot, compressed air is passed through the Evaporator to give up its residue heat to the water inside. The process is the same as that of common heat pumps sold in the market. And finally, the temp. diff. between the Boiler and the Condenser is created by suddenly releasing the compressed air at the Condenser. And thus a system of real efficiency of >50% is created.
My Whereabouts:
Name: Pranab Jyoti Ghosh
Address: 153/10/C, S.N.Roy Rd., Kolkata – 700038, West Bengal, India
Telephone: 91-33-24031885
E-Mail: pranabjyoti_calcutta@rediffmail.com

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