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Date Posted: 11:06:39 06/03/21 Thu
Author: koua0703 (info@quepasashisha.com)
Subject: Drugs from On-Line Strangers Help You Accept Unlikely Stories
In reply to: chrismance 's message, "oder quality cannabis products underground" on 09:42:36 06/01/20 Mon

Drugs Make This Sound More Plausible

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Your web camera has been hacked by someone who has entirely undetectable malware. Your web surfing habits are known to some random stranger. Time to panic!

Or, I suppose, you could realize that the threat is entire bullshit. But that takes all the fun out of it, and you might fail to follow through. That is where drugs help.

Drugs help you to accept implausible stories. You can ignore issues of whether you have a webcam, whether it can be hijacked by undetectable malware, whether there is any video captured, and whether you have friends who care. Best of all, drugs help you feel more generous.

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If you are on drugs, get in touch with a fiscal depletion expert right away: rear view of naked hiker 800x1200 The great thing about drugs from on-line vendors is how amazingly fast they are at accepting your funds. And it is so easy:
  1. send money to on-line stranger
  2. possibly receive substances
  3. put some in your mouth
  4. see what happens
  5. it may be mostly harmless
It almost never happens that consumption of drugs from on-line strangers causes your penis to shrivel and fall off.

You could become very ill, or get stuck filling out bankruptcy forms, or buried in pink promotions, and all because you have tried to obtain drugs from on-line vendors. So you can see there is no excuse for delay.

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