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Date Posted: 01:14:29 12/12/08 Fri
Author: Deb Beardsley (Scenario # 1)
Subject: Re: Media Ethics Discussion
In reply to: Richard Lenoce 's message, "Media Ethics Discussion" on 17:59:45 11/21/08 Fri

Discussion # 6
Scenario #1 Kiss and Tell: Publishing details of a mayor’s personal life
Beneteau and his editor should not report on the personal life of Windsor Mayor David Burr’s personal life. The mayor’s personal life is just that, Personal. The newspaper reporter could be ruining two innocent people’s lives. The mayor has a right to bring his secretary on a trade mission with him. The secretary may have no apparent credentials for the trip, but she could be very useful in other ways. As a secretary she could be keeping tract of all the necessary information, the notes of meetings, the itinerary, and other pertinent information about the trip. The secretary could also be the only person completely trusted by the mayor.
When someone deals mainly with rumor and innuendos, those rumors and innuendos should not be broadcast. Broadcasting such information could jeopardize a person’s integrity and could be defamation of character. The media should deal only with facts and not with rumors and innuendos. The newspaper could get a reputation for ruining people’s lives if they report things that are not true. The newspaper could loose the trust of its readers, and readers could look elsewhere for information and news.

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