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Date Posted: 22:00:45 02/18/07 Sun
Author: Crystal, Alexia and Brian
Subject: 2007 West Virginia Sweetheart Festival

The West Virginia Sweetheart Festival was held today, February 18th at the Sutton Community Building. After a slow start and a little concern due to the snowy conditions, everything finally came together and nearly 30 young girls competed to become part of the new 2007 WV Sweetheart Festival Royalty. After what I'm sure was a very difficult decision for the judges, winners were announced, with various Clay County girls (and one best friend) being crowned. Congratulations to the following young ladies on your respective titles. I am confident you will represent the WV Sweetheart Festival and Clay County with both beauty and grace throughout your reign. First crowned was Rylee Davita, Alexia's best friend. As last years Baby Miss, Alexia was able to crown Rylee as the 2007 WV Sweetheart Festival Baby Miss; Next up, was Alexia Tanner - 2007 WV Sweetheart Festival Tot Miss and Miss Photogenic; Next, Emilea Holcomb was crowned the 2007 WV Sweetheart Festival Overall Photogenic Winner; Then Chelsie Cottrell was chosen 2007 West Virginia Sweetheart Festival Young Miss 1st Runner-up; and Keslie Cottrell, his little sister, was chosen 2007 West Virginia Sweetheart Festival Young Miss 2nd Runner-up and Miss Photogenic. Again, congratulations girls!

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