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Date Posted: 00:26:35 01/13/09 Tue
Author: J1
Subject: Gone Postal

Here's some pics of the "Heep" aka '76 DJ5 Postal Jeep that I'm transforming into a hunting rig.

I got trigger happy and started spraying the camo paint. I wasted almost 3 cans attempting to do a real camoflauge design before I realized than I'm not an artist, so I went back over it with the traditional random-pattern camo.

I ran out of paint, so I'll be stocking back up this week to finish it off. I've got some more rust spots that will get patched with fiberglass, half-ass sanded down, then finish the paint.

I lifted the rear, and need to install longer shocks. I'm planning to put blocks between the spring hangers and frame rails to lift the front 3" It'll need longer shocks up front, and I'll have to bend the pitman arm a little bit to compensate for the lift. I need to buy a battery for it too, and she'll be ready for the ranch.

Here's how she looks as of tonight, yes the glass is painted as well, and the "black" part is raw glass, I just scraped off the paint with a razor into a random pattern to match the camo. Looks good, but it won't last long...

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