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Date Posted: 22:07:58 01/23/09 Fri
Author: Dart
Subject: Dart needs a new engine

As posted on the HAMB...

So, I was driving to work at my new job tonight in my '62 Chevy C10. I got about 80% the way there and my engine sounded like it was getting hot. (I don't have gauges in it yet, because I've been too broke to buy any). I checked the oil about two days ago and it was a quart low after about 5 weeks. No big deal. I have a tiny drip coming from my oil pan gasket, so that didn't surprise me. Anyhoooo, I decide to pull over and check it out. Before I got off my exit and into a gas station, the bottom end of my engine went "BANG" and then it sounded like a tornado hitting a junk yard. Just got it towed home. (big thanks, Ramon!)

I guess I'll start tearing into it this week and find out what's the poop. I shined my flashlight under the hood and I had a dry dip stick. Zero oil! It also looks like someone has been trying hard to get my oil filter off. It's crunched in and has scratch marks all over it like someone tried to get at it with a big pair of channel locks. I don't even want to think that someone would do that to my truck, so I'll just go on like it died of natural causes and try to look on the bright side. Now might be a good time to build up a little 400 small block and go romping around town with that. Of course, I'm poor as hell, so it may be a while.

I really need to get some gauges before I put in another motor.

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