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Date Posted: Fri, Mar 04 2011, 1:31:10
Author: Beckie
Subject: How do you feel??

Talk about stirring the Pot! The PBR is doing it this time.. Their Poll this week is How do you feel about outburst from the cowboys?? Check it out on the front page of the www.PBRNOW.com website

This is my opinion.. please let us know how you feel.. We don't have to agree but we do have to be nice lol

IMO- Outbursts are understandable, as these are adrenaline-fueled athletes competing at the highest level.... It works both ways when a cowboy makes a ride and is happy, still adrenalin-fueled, he dances, does a back flip or does a little high 5 ... and don't get me wrong I love seeing it..BUT
when a cowboys buck's off and is mad at himself, still adrenaline-fueled.. he throws his helmet, throws his rope, punches something or says a bad word... IMO its the same thing.. The problem comes in when the cowboys personal space is invaded by the camera's.. We are missing the next bull-ride while they are chasing the mad cowboy down.. I have seen it happen with a number of cowboys

I have heard people say the cowboys are role models for young kids... well they may be but again IMO after the cowboys leave the arena they should be allowed to have their space and the kids wouldn't see it..

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[> Re: How do you feel?? -- Kristine, Fri, Mar 04 2011, 18:27:46 [1]

I agree Beckie..they need to stop following the guys down the halls. We not all agree with how they act from time to time but good grief, they are human. We all throw fits from time to time and not always in private. Stop filming the "outbursts" and so us some more rides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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