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Subject: Outraged

ernouri (feelings of seperation)
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Date Posted: 08:43:08 12/04/06 Mon

I had been contemplating accepting a great new job which would cause me to move from my family, friends and favorite Morning Show in Dallas to lonely Memphis, TN... when suddenly I heard the news that Kidd Kraddick in the Morning would now be on in Memphis. Al and Kidd went on and on about how great Memphis was.... so from that moment on I made an official decision to make the move. I am TOTALLY SERIOUS... that's what decided it for me! I have been listening to you since 8th grade (now 26yrs. old)... so your opinion has made an impact in many of my decisions!

My first morning in Memphis, I found you... and I knew this could be home! Not even 1 week into my new job and apt., I started hearing strange stuff on the radio....NOT MY MORNING SHOW!!! Next thing I know... your gone!!! GONE!!!! Every morning I try to download you on Itunes, or the "listen live"... but my Mac just WON'T TAKE IT!!

So I am glad you have provided an opportunity for me to voice these concerns. I am LOST without you... and I feel like yall have just moved on! Well PLEASE don't leave us behind!! DO SOMETHING! We MUST find someway to get you back on the air! I am TIRED OF MISSING EVERYTHING!!

- VERY concerned listener!
P.S. - Praying for you Kelly!!

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