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Subject: Kidd Kradick in the Morning

Rebecca (:()
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Date Posted: 19:03:28 01/18/07 Thu

I am 100% lost without Kidd Kraddick in the morning. This is just as bad as Borat winning the Golden Globe over Johnny Depp, what is this world coming to. I loved the morning show and cannot believe the stupid radio station that 94.1 has now become, SNAP really sucks. I even enjoyed getting stuck in traffic to still be able to listen a bit longer!! I called SNAP and they said that they felt a format change was necessary, I think we have enough stations that play R&B, and rap, come on SNAP take over another station and give us back KIDD KRADDICK!! I miss 94.1 the buzz so much, Brad and Dana got me home at night and Kidd Kraddick got me to work each day, we at least Dana is now Marla doing traffic on some of the other stations, not sure what happened to Brad. I vow never to return to listen to FM 100 I can't stand Ron, Steve, and Karen they are so boring and Ron Olsen is so rude and stuck on himself. I have gone back to listening to Q107.5, Karson, Kennedy, and Country Corey, that is the only thing worth listening to in Memphis at this point. I have also boycotted 94.1 from being on my programmed buttons in the car. Memphis radio sucks, but Memphis sucks just about with everything else, how many other cities have a Slick Willie running the city and the Ford's running everything else.

Kidd, Kelly, Big Al, Taylor and JC: I hope you are all doing well. You were a great morning show, keep up the good work. I look forward to having you back one day!!!

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