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My work schedule, as many of you know, has been altered so I won't be killing myself for what little pennies I make! Hehehe! And thanks to some very good friends, I've got a LOT more freedom than I've had over most of the summer. However, my week has been scrunched up at the beginning of the week, and then I work again on the weekends. So I have some free time to do what I have to do to post, but only in the middle of the week. SO...for this week, next week, and the week after, the schedule will be changing to this:
Fridays = "Billy Chase"
Saturdays = "Gone From Daylight: Born Of Fire"Sundays = "Savage Moon: Unleashed"
Cool? I won't get much of a chance to fix anything until Thursday for the next few weeks, but after that, we'll go right back to business as usual!
Anyway, tomorrow, I'll start in on email, and will do a lot of catching up on the site and boards. But Monday's "GFD" post will be up tomorrow, and things will go back to normal after our "Speak Week" (Starting Sept. 3rd)!
I'll seezya soon! Lots of love! :)
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