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Date Posted: Thu October 11, 2007 09:45:22
Author: Lemons
Subject: Hmm...how do you say....
In reply to: Comicality 's message, "Hmmm, interesting..." on Thu October 11, 2007 04:08:01

I tend to view chaos as being a good thing. To me, it seems, that its the most commonly occuring form of balance. Random things happen. They always have and they always will. Moreover, we may never know the reason for the random event. When its balancing our own lives, it's obvious, although sometimes unsavory. But when its balancing other peoples lives, we don't understand it. And, as we are prone to do, we fear what we don't understand. I propose that we ditch the fear and make more of an effort at understanding what is going on, and maybe more importantly, why its going on. War, while very expensive and destructive, is unavoidable. It is impossible for everyone to get along all the time. We are humans. As such we are competative, greedy, needy and vain. But we're also a pack animal. When there are enough of us together, we generally take on a "collective" mindset. This, to me, is the most destructive thing in the universe...when we stop thinking for ourselves and just "go with the flow". So...chaos steps in to rein us in a bit. Chaos teaches us to be alert, cautious, improvisational and understanding. All we need to do pay attention. Saldy, I fear, this day in age, paying attention is a thing of the past. I look around at the youth of today, and I just want to cry. This is not to say that they're bad people. Not at all. Just that they've never been taught anything except how to be a buyer or a seller.

It's the little things. The subtle nuances of life around us. That's all I'm trying to say. Everything is there, at our disposal, and most of us don't even realize it.

When chaos happens, yes it usually deals a harsh blow, we never sit there and think about why it just happened to us. For example, the car breaks down, or the dog eats a box of crayons and dies, or our neighbor gets hit by a bus...we simply expect someone else to solve the problem. We wait for somone else to tell us what is going on. We never investigate it ourselves. We never use our brains for anything besides anime and video games. And we get angry and feel cheated when no one offers any reasons. When, in fact, chaos will just keep re-occuring until we get off our buns and figure it out...break the cycle.

In conclusion...I fully expect to be flamed badly. But Com asked, so I explained myself. Tis only my own personal beliefs. I'm perfectly happy with, and suited for, sojourning alone.

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