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The Beast is a manifestation of fears, worries, anger, confusion, and depression. Comicality's extra absorbs the darkest shadows and problems of the entities around him, and that is what forms his cloak of shadows. However, he became so involved in trying to save others from the darkness, that his own fears and problems got pushed aside (as I saw in one of the psts below), and they became self aware once they got to be too big for Com to handle on his own. The Beast is a combination of the demons that Com never battled face to face. And it has been chasing him ever since.
The Beast has been using the young vampires that Com has been in touch with as vessels that will allow him to find Com once and for all. Justin has been one of those vessels. And because of his mimic ability, he has absorbed Comicality's powers...and also his burden. Because, as Justin is now realizing, trying to supress his past and run from his own demons in order to be 'happy'...the Beast is able to gain strength through his restraint. The more Justin holds back what is really bothering him, the more the Beast has to feed on. And if it can get Justin to lose control, it has all the power it will ever need.
So....without giving too much away...Comicality, Justin, Rage, and the Beast, are all dealing with the same basic issue. Fighting your demons before they consume you completely. "Either fight them, or feed them." That's where the legend comes from. Justin can either run from them until they're too strong for him to resist any longer, or he can face them, and maybe lose everything in the process...including his sanity. That's all I can say for now, cool?
I hope this helps clear up a few things for you guys. Heehe, I'd LOVE to see a Com/Beast spinoff on the Blood Bank!!! That would ROCK! :)
Seezya soon!
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