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Like I said, I tried looking up tutorials, but every time I find one that works, they change the format and make the program SO radically different that I can't learn ANYTHING and have it stick for more than a week or two! spent all of your SEVERELY limited free time learning how to use 'program 2.0'? Well screw you! That was a waste of your time! Because NOW you have to learn version 2.5! Oh learned version 2.5 after *HOURS* of figuring it out and getting it to work just right for you...that was so LAST week! Now you have to download version makes the other one completely obsolete and we're not gonna support it anymore! ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!! It's frustrating as shit!
I just wanna learn something and have it be STABLE, you know? Predictable from one day to the next. And have someone fill me in on how it works without the extensive techno babble. I mean...I'd seriously love to give these people a tour of Chicago sometime. :P Treat them like they treat me.
I can just see them now...
"How do we get to Wrigley Field, Comsie?"
"Well...all you have to do is take ALL of the appropriate streets to get you a block away from Wrigley Field...and then just park and walk the extra block."
"Wait...but how do we GET there? What are the appropriate streets? I'm unfamiliar with everything here. I don't know the streets at all!"
"Just take Lake Shore Drive South...then Irving Park West! Hellloooooo?"
"Wait! Slow down! What does that even MEAN? How do I get to Lake Shore Drive?"
"Oh my God!!!! Are you retarded!!! Just go FIND it, already!!!"
"I CAN'T!!! Where do I go? What do I do??? I don't know what you're talking about!"
"Just freakin' do what I said and get there on your own and then walk the extra block, dumbass! How HARD is that???"
"But I've never BEEN to Chicago before! You've LIVED here all your life, so you KNOW the area and how everything works already! Please....just help me out!"
"NO! That's *YOUR* problem for not having extensive knowledge of the entire city and everything in it and how it works and the names of all the streets and all the directions directions ahead of time before you even asked me your ignorant questions about where to go! How stupid are you? Why aren't you as 'smart' as me??? I'm not gonna take the time to explain this to you any further. Just go 'that' way and figure it out all by yourself. Good luck, asshole. Drive around blind until you find it. Or ask somebody else, who will give you an even MORE complicated answer than I did."
That is *EXACTLY* how I feel with most of the supposedly 'easy' online tutorials about making ANYTHING work like it's supposed to! LOL! Honestly. It's like starting your first day of Kindergarten, and having someone teach you math...but starting you off with 7th grade algebra! Like..."WTF??? I'm fucking FIVE years old!!! What about ALL of the math and everything that came BEFORE that??? Can we please start with 1+1=2 or something similar so I know what the hell you're talking about? PLEASE? Can you PLEASE give me a little bit of 'background math' to at least learn the basics before you take off and go all gung-ho with this other complicated shit and label ME the idiot? Because I'm totally lost right now!" LOL!
One bonus though...all the tutorials on Youtube are done by kids that are like...15 at the most! LOL! They sound so cute! So a young hottie voice in my ear helps me to concentrate and remember everything. Mmmmm, teen boy computer cuties!
Sorry...that's perverted. :P
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