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We have initiated a new section in The CHAT SHACK called "The CHAT SHACK Theatre" that might contain some entertainment of special interest to followers of The Blood Bank, and could be worth calling to your attention. For your convenience, they are listed below and are linked to detailed descriptions of each. In order to keep them just within our Shack family, they require registration on The CHAT SHACK in order to view, but registration is quick, easy and FREE, and no information is stored beyond what is written on the registration form. We hope you will enjoy these offerings.
"Vampires Suck" (film) - Satire of the "Twilight" films and a myriad of recent occurrences.
"Being Human" (Series) - See description and preview video on The CHAT SHACK home page.
"True Blood" (Series) - All episodes from all 3 seasons, including the recent Season Three Finale.
"The Gates" (Series) The U.S.A. series from ABC, all episodes up to date.
The films "Kick-Ass" and "Avatar" are also available for viewing by Registered Members. However, the gay-themed romantic films "Get Real" "Edge Of Seventeen" "Beautiful Thing" and "Latter Days" are available for viewing by everyone, as are the "Queer As Folk" UK Episodes, complete series. More will be offered as time goes on, but not all will be available indefinitely. Check at the bottom of any page for new additions, which might be added at any time. We hope you will find what we have to offer entertaining. :-)