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Date Posted: Tue November 23, 2010 09:27:09
Author: Lemons
Subject: Insanity
In reply to: Comicality 's message, "Dark Question For 11/22" on Mon November 22, 2010 01:53:44

Though I can't see the future, I've experienced these circles a lot. It's dizzying.

For me, they're not so much a 'life path', but random acts with semi-predictable outcomes. I watch people around me doing the same things, over and over, expecting something different the next time. It's pure insanity.

I'm not guilt-free of this either. I keep doing stupid things over and over. But once I notice myself doing them, the circle changes...or perhaps simply leads into the next circle. Mind you, most of the time, I know I'm doing something stupid. Do I stop? No. Do I know the most likely outcome? Yes. Is there variables that could change that outcome? Absolutely.

However, if I could see the future, I think it would be both a blessing and a curse. A blessing for being able to know when something good is coming my way. A curse for knowing when something bad is about to happen and not be able to do anything about it.

My only remaining question would be...why can't anything be done about it? If you can see it coming, you can at least prepare, if not enjoy/avoid it all together. But, assuming nothing can be done to change the outcome, then the variables would have to change constantly to make the outcome as it was meant to be no matter how hard you try to keep something from happening. This would negate any ability to see the future as it would have to be written in current time to keep up with one's changing actions/thoughts/conversations etc until it finds a loophole to complete the circle and gain the destined outcome.

This presents a bit of a paradox. (DOX-DOX)

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  • It's a Question of Fortitude -- JC, Thu November 25, 2010 09:45:14

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