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Date Posted: Mon July 05, 2010 18:52:28
Author: Comicality
Subject: A Note About The "Blood Bank" Chatroom....

Concerning the new "Blood Bank" chatroom, I'm hearing from all over that it's a "GFD" ONLY chatroom. Ummm...no, I never said that. Hehehe, what am I, Hitler? You can do whatever you WANT in there. Give the kids a toy and then leave THEM alone to play with it! Hehehe, I don't need to hang over your shoulders and monitor you. RELAX! Hehehe! It's a "GFD" THEMED chatroom that's there for all "GFD" fans to enjoy, yes...and Blake and Echo will be having vampire theme conversations and weekly topics and they have a LOT of good ideas...but a chatroom is a chatroom. I never once said, "Thou shalt not talk about anything else in chat." No. Hehehe, that's...not even possible, I don't think. How boring would that be? I would never go to the MAIN chatroom and say, "You can ONLY talk about "New Kid In School" and nothing else. Not ever." That's ridiculous! GO! Hehehe! Check it out! Laugh, have fun, vampire role play, talk about the series or DON'T talk about the story! Every part of "Comicality's Shack Out Back", from the chatrooms, to the forums, to the stories themselves, is all about freedom and love and having fun in a safe and welcoming environment. Surrounded by friends and free from as much bullshit as possible. That's what has allowed us to survive for 12 years, and I hope that it will get even better over the next 12. :) So as long as you guys leave the egos at the door, you're all more than welcome to come on in and have a blast. The ONLY thing you can't bring in to one of the Comicality chatrooms is hatred. So if there are any worries or 'issues' concerning that...hopefully this will solve that problem.

It's Summertime, hehehe, loosen up!

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