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Date Posted: Thu September 16, 2010 14:49:30
Author: JohnD
Subject: I could definitely see myself as a vampire
In reply to: Comicality 's message, "Just wondering...what is the 'appeal' of vampires to you?" on Sun September 12, 2010 10:48:37

Yes there is the enhanced physical and mental attributes over humans. But for me, it has always been the somewhat hidden, ‘gypsy’ lifestyle that drew me in. There are times I feel like I’m among humans but not part of them. I’ve always seen vampires as living in quiet solitude, perhaps finding a partner to share immortality with. (No one should be alone forever, human or immortal).

Then the GFD world opened up a new idea for me, vampires can also live in communities within the human world, yet remain unknown to them. I could see myself joining a small group of fellow vampires, but still be allowed to come and go as I please. No big brother watching over me…wait…even the vampires have elders and hunters, a form of government control.

Now the interesting thing is the numbers of vampires are growing…(look at the attendance at The Ice Zone party, and that’s just in the greater Chicago area). Vampire population is so large now, the government knows of their existence and works in cooperation with them to keep a sort of balance to society (slag hunters). Where will this lead, will the vampires become a sort of religious/ruling class (Perfect Creature, movie), or will their numbers grow so large that their food source runs out (Daybreakers, movie).

Maybe vampires should just ‘come out from the closet’ and try living openly with humans (Queen of the Damned, True Blood). Yeah we see how well thats working out.
No, I see vampires always having to remain hidden, as much for their own survival as well as the humans. It’s a life style I can relate to and would be able to adapt to. Even the need for blood, I don’t thing I would have the trouble Justin has with killing humans for food, (is that a flaw in my character). Picking out the dregs of society for dinner would make it more acceptable. I could even see myself as helping society like in Dave MacMillan’s “Confessions of a Vampire”. Drug dealers, skinheads, Nazis and radical militias all became food as Karl finds himself interfering with human history. Hmmm…a vampire super hero…an interesting story idea maybe!

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