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"Taryn's Song"
"GFD: Lost In Shadow"
"GFD: Nightfall"
"The Awakening"
"Renegade Dawn"
"Disposal Of Flesh"
"Honor Among Thieves"
And you can still look forward to:
"GFD: Night Of The Slayers"
"GFD: Midnight Caller"
"GFD: Psychosis"
"GFD: Dark Favor"
"GFD: Nightfall II: Dark Angel"
"GFD: Johnny Boy"
"GFD: The Neverending Life Of Phineas Quirk"
"GFD: Blood Money"
"GFD: False Reflections"
"GFD: Dead Language"
And MANY more!!! They've been in the works for months now! I just want them to be right! Because they're gonna expand on the whole vampire idea in the "Daylight" saga! And the stuff that OTHER authors are working on??? Wow...
Even I couldn't come up with ideas like that! So the story is expanding! Definitely! And you can see more soon! K? :)
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