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A big part Zero's character...his speech, and his outlook, is slightly based on 'wise but dark' characters that I've seen in movies before. A combination of "Morpheus" from the Matrix, "Hannibal Lechter" from Silence of the Lambs, A little bit of "Hellraiser", and a few others. But his overall 'purpose' in the story is to basically give Justin a huge chunk of the knowledge and wisdom that he needs to be the Mimic and savior that he's destined to become.
He's a much more 'psychotic' version of the Comicality character, lost in the concepts and ideas that he's found from many years trying to find an answer. The circles keep leading him back to the same place from where he started, and that's what drove him mad in the first place. He's someone that lets us know that you have to be just a little bit 'crazy' to understand the Vampire Dawn and what it represents. "Crazy", in this case, means breaking away from everything that we know to be true, the 'majority rules' idea, and searching for your own explanations outside of what you've been taught to believe.
What Zero and the Vampire Dawn represent is an outlook on life that I've always had, that is EXTREMELY hard to explain to someone else. I've been trying REALLY hard with this story and the other sci-fi series...but it's very difficult to get the words right. Basically, the "Vampire Dawn" is my personal outlook on life. And my 'question' to the people around me, who never seem to think outside of what they've been taught. People who never ask why? When someone says, "Gay people shouldn't have the right to get married"...I think everyone should ask themselves 'why'. Sit down, and really THINK about who that's hurting, what it means, why anyone would suggest that, what 'their' agenda might be, and if it fits into your personal values and beliefs. ASK WHY! And if you're not satisfied with the answer...then ask why AGAIN! And if they don't answer...go LOOK for a justifiable reason! Justify your answer with something logical. Don't just march along to the beat of whoever is playing the most popular song at the time. I could never get people to question their role in society, or try to understand WHY society is structured the way that it is. Why certain things are 'not to be tolerated' when they're not hurting anybody. Why certain people are considered more 'flawless' than others just because of their title or position. Why we constantly contradict ourselves and pretend that it's justified by a so-called 'majority' who was never given a chance to vote on what they believe or don't believe. They don't exist. We just assume that everybody is against gay people because that's what we're taught. But most people have never been faced with that question a day in their lives. They never thought about it. They never formed an opinion, we just assume that they're on the more 'normal' side. And 'normal' is dictated down to us by.......'who'? Do you know who? And do you know why? Or is it a hazy blindspot that you casually overlook in an attempt to agree with the people around you?
The Vampire Dawn is a return to the very beginning. Where everything that we've been taught and brainwashed into believing is no longer relevant. Where we can go back to 'zero'...start all over...and make our OWN opinions based on who WE are and what WE want to believe. Not on some invisible 'standard' forced upon us by someone else, who has just as much of a chance at being completely 'wrong' about things as we do by making it up ourselves.
It's not about the past, it's not about the future. It's about right here, right now, and taking who you are as a person, despite all your past influences, fear, doubts, and pains, to an entirely new level by 'seeing all the paths at once', and understanding that NONE of us have the answer. There IS no definitive answer. And fact...BECOMES the answer. (That there is NEVR going to be an a universal truth that fits EVERYBODY, except for the one that allows us to tolerate and understand variations in what we believe to be the 'truth') There isn't a human being alive who is a higher being, capable of telling us right from wrong from his or her own perspective. Nor are there any human beings who are lesser enough to blindly follow that path without asking questions as to why. We don't know ANYTHING about another person's life, or their experience, or what's best for them. It's THEIR life. So who are we to tell them how to live it in a way that best suits them when we haven't a clue what they've been through? Tolerance comes from making an effort to understand and adapt. And that's what the Dawn is all about.
Just the 50's people believed that there might be life on Mars. In the 70's and 80's, it was PROVEN that there couldn't be life on Mars because there was no air, and no water. In the 90's they sent machines there to bring up the question again. And in the new millennium, not only have they found ice caps on Mars...but possible water sources too. Does that mean everything they told us before was an outright and ignorant LIE? No...we just didn't KNOW anything yet. And as time goes forward, we became open to new ideas, and new possibilities, and that's how we evolve. Why should ANYTHING else in our realm of knowledge be different? Why can't we be open enough to accept new experience and information as it becomes available? Instead of trying to desperately hold on to traditional ideas of 'truth' that may or may NOT be the truth at all? The Dawn represents both question and answer. Both positive and negative. Past, present, and future.
It is the nexus that allows us to humble ourselves long to realize that what *I* believe...doesn't HAVE to fit every single living thing on the planet. They can, instead, 'learn' from my perspective...and I can learn from theirs.
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