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Date Posted: Thu September 04, 2008 06:57:58
Author: Comicality
Subject: GFD Question #3 - How come Taryn knows about the flop houses?
In reply to: Comicality 's message, ""GFD" Questions On Thursdays...." on Sat August 09, 2008 04:31:05

I haven't really gone into much detail about this yet in the series, but I can definitely expose a few secrets here, as the 'big secret' is out now.

Alec, Taryn's little brother, is 'Rage'. And as you will see later in the "Taryn's Song" series, Taryn was forced to leave him behind in a sexually abusive household against his will. When Taryn first came to the lot, he was alone. He had no one but Trevor to teach him, guide him, or even talk to him all that much. Trevor's personality is much more ambitious and selfish than Justin's is, and Taryn could never find much comfort in Trevor's sense of 'affection', as he wished he could. Instead, he made a highly emotional bond with 'Rain', who was also going through similar pains of leaving a little brother at home. (Gyro) The two of them learned to lean on one another as much as possible, but Rain was known for her trademark disappearances from the lot, sometimes for long periods of time. And it was then that Taryn became familiar with the 'spice' drug.

Due to many turbulent times at the lot, including Trevor searching for someone else more accepting of his lewd advances to 'replace' his previous crossover...Taryn sank lower and lower into a depression. The lure of a mind numbing narcotic became too much for him to resist, and he started getting twisted to forget his life and his family. It's the reason why Dion, Jenna, and Bryson were keeping such a close eye on Taryn's emotional state when he first discovered Justin, and why they get so worried when he seems to be getting down on himself. The others very briefly discuss how bad off Taryn was before Justin became a part of the picture, but the never went into detail like they will in future chapters, especially with the pain of losing his brother resurfacing in a BIG way.

Later in the series, you will see how Taryn's 'escape' from Darkness weighed heavily on the rest of the lot, and how it may have helped Alec track him down in the long run. It also explains the closeness between Rain's self destructive behavior and his own, as well as Trevor's eventual separation from him entirely, moving on to Michael, who worships the ground he walks on.

Now, I can't give TOO much away at the moment, but Taryn and 'spice' definitely have a history together. And it will be revealed to readers soon. :)

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