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Their strong ability to read both human and vampire minds and memories, mixed with the rare ability to absorb their extras unconsciously, gives them the ability to 'tap in' to another person's life experience more fully than any other vampire in existence. They can see what it's like to know what they know, remember what they remember, feel what they feel. So with practice and guidance, a Mimic can learn to actually put himself in another person's place...and to understand them and why they do the things that they do. To see the world through their eyes, and find the answers that they cannot.
Zero understands much of the Dawn's ideals and details because he had the ability to read their thoughts so deeply that he could actually store those mindsets as his own. He was mistaken for a Mimic himself many times, and many believed that he would be the one to bring the Dawn to the world. But, as you can see, he was not the chosen one. His abilities are close, but he's not a Mimic.
So basically, no one, not even the Mimic himself, can understand the Dawn fully until he finds the ultimate truth within himself. No one can just come out and 'tell' Justin what the Dawn is or how he's supposed to bring it to the world. He HAS to discover the secret for himself, and he'll have to apply the knowledge gained through all of his experiences as a Mimic to understand it on a whole new level. A regular vampire wouldn't be able to closely examine another vampire's life enough to gain the same knowledge. It takes a much deeper connection.
(I hope that made sense. It's weird to try to put it in words.)
Justin's starting to catch on, little by little...but he's still missing some pretty big chunks so far. Hehehe! Will he get it eventually? Maybe, maybe not. Who knows what the future holds? :)
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