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The character itself is a huge part of the story that represents my own personal strugle with suicide and lingering suicidal thoughts. It's the dark creature that knows all of your worst fears, your deepest regrets, and everything that has ever hurt you or broke you down in your past...and it is always ONE step behind you, no mater what. It uses the pain against you, to get you to ultimately destroy yourself.
In the story, the Beast is the product of a very powerful vampire extra gone horribly wrong. The vampire 'Comicality' has the ability to absorb and contain the pain of others at will. Taking it upon himself until the darkness of it wraps around him like a cloak of shadows. At some point, while trying to be a beacon of light for other vampires who needed his help and guidance...his extra became stronger than his ability to control it. The more pain he absorbed, the more the shadows cried out for him. He became a powerful magnet for 'everyone's' pain and suffering, and when he had absorbed too much, he had to push his own pain aside in order to deal with it.
The more he tried to hide his own demons, the stronger they became. Until, one night, that pain and agony became self aware and took on a form of its own. A monsterous creature that seems to slip in and out of the real world, depending on how much power it is given by whatever host it chooses. It latched itelf to Justin because his inner demons are so strong, and while the Beast's MAIN target is Comicality uses Justin's anger and regret to grow potent enough, powerful enough, to take on its nemesis once and for all.
So the Beast is not a vampire at all, just an evil biproduct of a vampire who pushed his own pain aside to help others for so long...that it began to chase after him. It exists in the hearts and minds of those who have had contact with its enemy, and it will continue to hunt Comicality until they are 'one' again.
Now...what you MIGHT be thinking about in the next few chapters is....
...What happens...when a hateful creature like the Beast (that FEEDS on intense pain and suffering!) comes into contact with a vampire like 'Rage'? Hmmmm....
Just something to wrap your minds around. ::Wicked Grin::
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