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Seriously though, what happened with the 'deleted' scenes (of which there are about 35 pieces or so, give or take a few), was usually a case of me writing without really thinking ahead of myself as I usually try to do. The result is me just following random instincts and ending up realizing that I don't like the place where it's headed from there. So I turn around to go back to where I went 'astray' and rewrite things from there.
I know that I posted some of the 'shorter' deleted scenes on the Library a couple of months ago, and they might still be there if you look in the archives. The stuff that was cut out breaks down into three categories....
#1 - Stuff That Will Be Added In Later - Basically, this is stuff that I thought was a bit too obvious, or just plain overkill in the beginning. But when the story is finished, I'll go back through and see if any of these deleted scenes will give the story more depth if I add them back in to the storyline where they were meant to be.
Examples Are...
* Dash's tour of the sanctuary and the many defenses they have in place to deal with intruders.
* Pan, on Doc's laptop, explaining how he gathered a lot of private information from vampires preparing for a sunquest, and leaving their knowledge behind. (Pan was originally more obsessive with the acquisition of information than the current story tells us)
* Jun's clumsiness, which is evident more in the beginning of the story than later on. Jun was originally characterized as being much more accident prone, as a result of his intense focus extra. When he's using it, the balance is way in his favor...he's right on point. But when he's not...he's clumsy enough, and accident prone enough, to do something silly (Like fall off of a bridge into oncoming traffic).
* The idea that Trevor and Doc actually have a lot of friction between them. They really did NOT get along at all, with Trevor's aggressive personality, and Doc's wholesome outlook, they were meant to be enemies. And yet, there were times where Trevor was chosen to help Doc go out and hunt (Everyone took a turn). This feud was taken out of the story in a few places, but if you look deep enough, you'll notice that the two of them almost never communicate with one another. They have a rivalry keeping them apart most times.
#2 - Stuff That Was Cut Out That I Used Elsewhere - A few of the ideas that I had for the series didn't seem to fit, or I just decided that the added detail was 'overkill' and should be left alone.
Examples Are...
* A longer fight between Justin and Comicality in the graveyard, that spilled out into the streets of Chicago. (This was used in one of the trivia games created for Chapter 5, "Mask Of Shadows")
* An extended battle between Justin and Chad that took place when he was trying to capture him and find answers about who he is, and about Comicality. (Also used in a trivia game for "Mask Of Shadows" called "Chase The Blond Rabbit")
* A long conversation between Justin and Trevor about life and how people ONLY get out of life, love, and activity, what they're willing to put into it...which is usually 'nothing'. (This conversation will, instead, be a pat of "Magic Man 3" instead)
#3 - Stuff That Was Cut Out, And Will STAY Cut Out - Thee are scenes that I just started writing out, and when I discovered that I didn't like 'em, or thought that I could do it better at a different time...I took them out of the story, and saved them, just in case. Most of these are just lost pieces that I doubt I'll put back into the completed story, but I'll post them, just so folks can see my screw ups as well as my trumphs. :)
Examples Are...
* Justin actually telling Gyro that he's a vampire Mimic on the abandoned rooftop right after the chase with the police.
* Jazz and Dizz explaining how much they were fans of the Mimic legend before the training began. Where they got their knowledge and how Comicality approached them to train the new generation of warriors.
* Kyra's drawings in Dash's sanctuary was originally about a previous run in with Soren and Natpea that never happened. Where she tried to warn Justin that he wasn't ready to take on Natpea just yet, by putting a circle and 'X' on the stick figure pic of Soren's top body guard. That scene was actually written out to a certain point, and then abandoned later.
* Trevor was also going to be portrayed as a much 'sluttier' character. So scenes of him and 'Drax' from the club, scenes of him and Jeremy from the Blood Shack, and scenes of him and Rain fighting over 'Darren's' bisexuality when Rain brought him to the lot, were all cut. Just to keep Trevor and Michael together in a somewhat committe relationship.
So, a lot of this stuff was cut for good reason, but I might put some of it back in for fans who really wanted to see it. When the whole series is finished, I'll be working double time on "Gone From Daylight: Re-VAMP-ed", which will be a fully re-edited text, with deleted scenes, character bios, and the ability to skip 'chapters' to your favorite scene at the touch of a button. (Like a DVD)
But you'll definitely see more of a lot of theses again! And if you want a little taste of the short ones, check out the Library archives! I know they're in there somewhere! Cool? ((HUGz))
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