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Date Posted: Sun October 26, 2008 01:04:54
Author: Yagami_Light
Subject: Well if we want to get technical
In reply to: JC 's message, "Or Maybe Not" on Sat October 25, 2008 18:07:02

Vampires wouldn't be able to survive at night, because where do you think moonlight comes from? It's from the sun.

So one would either have to discount that and have them active (if they choose to be) in the daylight.. or wear some sort of chemical screen to prevent whatever in the sun screws them over (UV for example).

My friend and I are thinking about writing a vamp story.. I don't wanna give away many details (not until we actually get serious and start to WRITE it).

Now moving on with the whole sperm thing. I'm not a big fan of the whole body going cold thing.. but if you want to impliment that in the story, if one can regenerate cells that can only multiply so many times for humans, and regenerate them infinitely as long as they're in sleep cycle or what have you.. then the sperm would be fine.

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