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Date Posted: Mon November 10, 2008 02:13:42
Author: Comicality
Subject: Ask as many questions as you like. :) I'm not going anywhere....
In reply to: Taryn 's message, "Very information Comie . . . but I got one more question about this." on Fri November 07, 2008 23:31:31

Actually, the way that I envisioned it is that all vampires that crossover into darkness go through a 'puberty' like period of adjustment before becoming a full blooded vampire. That period can be anywhere from three to six months. (Justin's maturity happened a lot faster than most, and his extras and hunger pains came a lot sooner for him than it does for others.)

When the sire's bite first adopts a childe, the body first has to die, and then be reborn again into darkness. And everything slows down biologically, until it eventually freezes forever. Which is why Justin's bruises healed from his beating when he first crossed over, but not completely. Not until the change was complete. The blood thirst is the same way. Justin kept a decent amount of his original blood cells until his third feeding. The cells stay frozen until the crossover is 100% complete, and the body is familiar enough with the new process to not need them any more. The adjustment period is over, bloodthirsts get more extreme, extras reach their peak, etc.

Anyway, to answer the question, no...vampires don't usually need to feed right after waking up. Because the body's biological functions aren't working at the same speed while the vampire is crossover. In fact, it is rapidly slowing down to a stop. And then, when the body adapts to this new 'life' after death, it begins working in regular cycles again.

Ps- The exception to the rule, of course, is when you have a 'Nosferatu' vampire. Which wakes up with an instant bloodlust, and maintains a constant hunger for most of it's life.

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