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Date Posted: Mon November 10, 2008 02:22:15
Author: Comicality
Subject: Hmmm...to be philosophical about it...
In reply to: kwolf 's message, "hmmm ive always wondered" on Sat November 08, 2008 00:44:42

I think it's referred to as a curse more because of society's view of vampires than the vampires' life itself. It's the act of defining yourself as something 'different'. Something that is thought of to be outcast and unnatural. The same as with being gay. There are a LOT more gay and bisexual people walking the Earth right now than we're led to believe. I'm sure of it. But...how many actual take that big step to defining themselves as such, and then giving themselves over to that lifestyle, no matter what the consequences?

I think that it would be a curse for anybody to try to accept a part of themselves that was hated by so many others. And the only way to really embrace it is to either 'hide', or to 'rebel' and create a counter culture. (Which sounds more like what you're getting at. A proud yearning to be a vampire and accept it without guilt or regret). So I don't know really. Never thought about it. If defining yourself as something that goes against the big 'majority rules' concept of society is a 'curse'...then aren't we ALL cursed in one way or the other?


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