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Naturally, it's going to take some time to get anywhere CLOSE to this being easy...but below is a small part of the "GFD" story, from the "Mask Of Shadows" chapter. Nobody has to do the whole thing, but if Erick is willing to help us out with some vocabulary and conjugation, maybe we can take it one or two sentences at a time and translate it. You guys game?
Hehehe, and don't worry, I'm just now learning too! :)
Here goes....
" miss your life?" I figured that I could ease into it as softly as possible.
Taryn stared out at the black horizon in front of us, and said, "...Sometimes. Yeah. It's been so long though."
"Miss your mom? Your dad?"
"My father's dead. And no, I don't miss the son of a bitch that took his place." He said, and I felt him begining to shut me out a little bit more with each question.
Still...I went on. "I'm sorry. I know that had to suck. Any brothers or sisters?"
"Can we stop this? Please? I've gotta get back to the lot." He stood up to leave, and I got up quickly to stop him before he could walk away.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Really. Ok? No more questions. I just...just sit here with me for a while longer." I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him a bit. "Please?"
"I don't mean to be so touchy, Justin. I guess...I just learned to forget about them. To...push them down where I wouldn't have to miss them anymore." I held him close to me, and I felt some of his tears soak through my shirt. "I had a brother once." He whispered.
" don't have to talk about this if you don't want to." I whispered back.
"He was 4 years old when I left. His name was Alec. I guess, he would be about your age by now. Sometimes...when I'm out at the lake, I think about him. I wonder what he looks like, what he's doing...sometimes, I wonder if he remembers me at all. And if he does, I wonder if he hates me for leaving him in that house alone." Taryn hugged me tighter, and stopped to hold back a sob.
"Did you ever think about maybe going to see him?" But before I could even get it all the way out of my mouth, Taryn interrupted.
"There's no going back. Not ever."
"I know that we're supposed to stay hidden and all, but..."
"Not EVER...Justin. Loose ends left to dangle could mean big trouble for us as a whole. I agreed to leave them behind when I crossed over, and it's a decision I just have to live with."
What do you think? Care to give a few sentences that ol' college try?
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