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Date Posted: Tue November 11, 2008 03:49:27
Author: Icedragon
Subject: Another Verzpertillio post :) trying to translate some stuff, Comsie posted in the last months...

Ok, so here we go... I tried to translate some of the little teasers, that Com posted over the last months...

First some words, that he put at the end of one post:

"Solo serem vidurente...."

I didn't find any information on the word "serem", so I can't translate that. But the verb should translate into something like "I'm seeing you...."

So my guess would be, since it was at the end of the post, that it could be something along the lines of:

"I'm seeing you later" or in short just, "See you later!"

Am I close here????

Ok and then there was that first Sentence posted... that looks extremely hard...

Soluzo avimus sessiro carem iluminirae iternum jarirore provim vertillio. Egredio, osereo assivere e utirore erom soluzo provim!

::sommridere tresciva::

("Sommridere tresciva" can only mean something like "wicked grin" :D)

but then, well... there are just too many words missing for me... Couldn't figure out much of anything here... NEED HELP :D

Only thing I got would be:

"Soluzo (You will?) avimus (should be a verb) sessiro carem iluminirae (vampires) iternum jarirore provim vertillio. Egredio (but?), osereo (I can) assivere e utirore erom soluzo (you will?)provim!"

Any assistence? :D pretty please?


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