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A scene that I had notes for, but never wrote, had Jenna trying to empathically attempting to help Rain control her moodswings. But I thought Rain was a much better character as a complete loner and a bit of a tortured soul who wouldn't ask anyone for help. Even if she needed it. So I left that out of the series and never wrote it.
Rain can be swallowed up with so much anger and sadness, that she'll hurt herself in the worst ways possible in order to escape consciousness for a while until the 'suffering' is gone. (So when she 'kills herself' because of the misery, it's more like...being knocked out. Like sleeping off a bout of drunkeness, I guess.) However, in order to survive without feeding all the time or starving to death...she has to 'heal' herself up again. Which of course causes more emotional distress, which of course leads to her hurting herself to get rid of it again, which starts the cycle all over from the beginning. Either way, she suffers. But she likes keeping herself somewhat distant from everybody but Taryn, so she doesn't want 'help' in the way that they want to help. It's simply become a part of her routine. And Taryn is the only one that she can talk to and share her pain with without the gruesome act of throwing herself on a spike or hanging from the top of a trailer.
Hope that answers the question. She IS healing herself before losing too much blood, but naturally...there's going to be some loss no matter what. And when she disappears from the lot for long periods of time without saying anything, chances are that she's feeding a bit more frequently than the others.
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