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Date Posted: Sat January 03, 2009 01:26:25
Author: Erick
Subject: Verzpertillio 101, Using Verbs! And, just HOW do you say 'yes' in Verzpertillio?


Verbs in Verzpertillio can be 'inflected' A LOT! And in order to gain a mastery in the language of the Vampires, you need to get a firm understanding about verbs in Verzpertillio!

So what's a verb? For those who may not be sure, or those who may need reminding: verbs denote action! They can be a physical action like "I jumped!", a non-physical action like "I see!", or an emotional action like "I loved".

Okay, so verbs in Verzpertillio have TWO BASIC forms! The 'infinitive' and the 'stem' forms. Here are some examples:

Infinitive: vide - to see
stem form: (vid-)

Infinitive: prodente - to comprehend
stem form: (prodent-)

Infinitive: noste - to love
stem form: (nost-)

The infinitive is what you use to create the 'present, past, and future' tenses!

It's very simple, the present tense is created by adding '-re' to the infinitve form of the verb! '-va' for past tense, and '-zum' for the future tense!

videre - see
prodentere - comprehend

videva - saw
prodenteva - comprehended

videzum - will see
prodentezum - will comprehend

Subjective pronouns are the "WHO is doing the action" of the verb in a sentence!

soló - I
solu - you
solio - we
solie - they

These go BEFORE the verb to get the following:

soló videre - I see
solu videzum - you will see
solio prodenteva - we comprehended
solie prodentere - they comprehend

BUT what if you wanted to sound like you're a "native speaker" of Verzpertillio? What if you didn't want to sound like a Newblood? But like an ancient vampire poet from centuries ago when the language was still used by vampires daily?

What you do then, is 'attach the pronoun into the verb'! Here's how:

For present tense, first change verb to present tense, then add -o, -um, -mo, -n:

videreo - I see
videreum - you see
videremo - we see
videren - they see

For past and future tense, use the INFINITIVE FORM of the verb, and add (past) -vo, -vus, -vorem, -verem, (future) -vor, -varis, -varem, -vant:

prodentevo - I comprehended
prodentevus - you comprehended
prodentevorem - we comprehended
prodenteverem - they comprehended

nostevor - I will love
nostevaris - you will love
nostevarem - we will love
nostevant - they will love

Now, you can also use -o, -u, -io, -ie, with THE STEM of the verb to say WHO the action is being done TO:

solu vidore - you see me
soló nosture - I love you
solie prodentiore - they comprehend us
solio vidiere - we see them

Now you can form sentences in Verzpertillio!

So how do you ask a question in Verzpertillio and how do you answer?

In Verzpertillio, the question is asked simply by applying the verb with who you are directing it to, "you see?" "you love?" "they jump?". And in Verzpertillio, instead of a word for "yes", Vampires usually answered by repeating the word of emphasis:

"vidure diero nuzamzier?" - do you see the childe?
"videreo." - I see.

"prodenture diero verzpertillio?" - do you comprehend Verzpertillio?
"prodentereo." - I comprehend.

Vidure? Hehehe! I hope this is fun to learn and understand! Please, questions and comments are appreciated! Even if you just want to say that you think the language sucks!

Virtemtio. . .

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