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Subject: Re: Good Thing They Weren't Rookies!

SBCC screw
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Date Posted: 18:22:35 04/16/09 Thu
In reply to: None 's message, "Good Thing They Weren't Rookies!" on 12:16:42 04/11/09 Sat

You know, I only check into this site once in a while because it's so damn frustrating to see so many keyboard heros run their mouths without ever coming clean. How many of you would have let the guy get away because you were too busy sitting at the nurse's station trying to pick up the young nurse with a stick of gum in your mouth and your wedding ring in your fucking pocket?? Not ONE of you fucking cowards would EVER say anything to Monte's face, but give you a computer and a 6 pack of Bud and you are a true hero. Good for you. You are the same bunch of cowards who will sit behind a bubble for your entire career and go home and tell your wives how you battle the cons day in and day out. You are the reason guys like him and I worry about the response we will need when we have to take care of the shit that IS coming our way. Good to know there are a solid bunch of screws behind us. Luckily, we know the guys who will respond, and the guys who will cower when the shit goes down right in front of them- just watch the recent videos. The solid guys like Monte will keep doing what they do, and the cowardly cunts will keep sitting at their computers writing cowardly anonymous shit about them, all the while telling their family what a hero they are. WHEN IN THE SHIT: I WILL TAKE HIM OVER ANY OF YOU FUCKING COWARDS ANY DAY!!!!! Oh- the icom is buzzing. Open the door asshole.

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Re: Good Thing They Weren't Rookies!For Real17:15:26 04/17/09 Fri

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