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Subject: Re: Why don't we at SBCC talk about the contract offer? | |
Author: johnny |
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Date Posted: 12:46:59 12/18/15 Fri In reply to: Average contract. We can do better. Voting NO! 's message, "Why don't we at SBCC talk about the contract offer?" on 12:06:34 11/14/15 Sat Shut up and do your job! The yoon-yun will always get the paltry cost-of-living adjustments just presented to you. They (the misfit prison guards that care only about lining their own pockets with your yoon-yun dues and rubbing elbows with management), always tell you it's the best deal you'll get, but in reality every union gets the same deal, unless your SPAM (State Police Association of Massachusetts). SPAM doesn't settle for what we or the rest of the state gets, they get better; better retirement, better contracts, better incentives. Where's MCOFU's political muscle? If they had any, they'd get us the retirement that the SPAM got its members. Retired State Troopers cost-of-living-increases are based on the percentages that the SPAM negotiates in the contract, and those increases are for the entire retirement allowance. We (C.O.'s in Group 4), like the rest of the state's retirees, get a maximum of 3% on only the first $13,000 - a mere $390 a year. That's it! A maxed out Trooper First Class (comparable to a maxed out C.O. I) makes almost $15,000 more than a maxed out C.O. I. That does not include incentive pay or other duty pay. Base pay! Where's your muscle, E-Board? Oh, right, your too busy stuffing your pockets and drinking on our dues and trying to make captain. SLOBS! [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Salary Charts for TFC | | 12:54:21 12/18/15 Fri |
Re: Why don't we at SBCC talk about the contract offer? (NT) | Troopers also generate revenue for the State, we don't. | 08:27:34 12/19/15 Sat |
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