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Subject: GO DAN GO | |
Author: xco |
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Date Posted: 22:29:15 09/06/10 Mon Dubrule to challenge Brewer By Nick Mallard, Posted: 09/06/2010 08:57:25 AM EDT ASHBURNHAM -- Daniel D. Dubrule says he has seen things in the political world "going on for too long" in a fashion he doesn't think is fit for the commonwealth. Dubrule, a 42-year-old Republican, has thrown his hat into the ring for the 38th State Senatorial District, running unopposed on the primary ballot. He will face incumbent state Sen. Stephen Brewer, D-Barre, in November's election. "We're seeing unresponsive representatives and higher taxes," Dubrule said Sunday afternoon. "I'm ready to represent the people and not special-interest groups. My goal is to roll up my sleeves and get things done." With the "ugly truth" about politics in Massachusetts coming out as elections draw closer, Dubrule says he has several goals that he'd like to accomplish if he were to be elected. According to a press release announcing his candidacy, Dubrule aims to "bring balance to the one-party rule on Beacon Hill," promising to fight for lower taxes and stop wasteful government spending. He also looks to bring jobs to Massachusetts and the 38th District -- which includes Ashburnham -- as part of his duties. A resident of Central Massachusetts his entire life and a 1987 Leominster High School graduate, Dubrule served in the Army Reserves for 16 years and as a state correctional officer for 20 years before retiring to become a licensed insurance producer. In addition, he has been a grass-roots lobbyist and activist for 20 years and a volunteer on multiple -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advertisement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- conservative campaigns, as well as being a member of the American Veterans and the National Rifle Association of America. "I think people have had enough of what's going on with our state government," said Dubrule, a Massachusetts and National GOP member. "We want people to get involved in making changes now and not wait until November." Dubrule urges anyone looking for a political change to visit his website, "The campaign started out as a very lonely endeavor last spring, but once (U.S Sen. Scott) Brown's campaign got rolling, we noticed how eager people are for a change," Dubrule said. "I'm hoping we can continue to make changes and move in the right directions." Read more: [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: GO DAN GO | IF ELECTED, I PROMISE.... | 00:13:05 10/05/10 Tue |
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