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Date Posted: 14:20:42 08/26/09 Wed
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Bakeless Bake Sale

A bit of news we have today,
A bakeless bake sale, is on its way.

In these busy days - who wants to bake,
Pie or cookies or even cake??

You'd be surprised if you counted the cost-
Of materials, heat and the time you've lost.

Baking for sales is extra work
Yet nobody really wants to shirk.

So, we've thought of a plan that's truly grand-
And feel quite sure you'll understand.

In a little envelope please put the price-
Of a pie or cake or something nice.

Without the fuss or bother you've done your part
We hope you'll give with a willing heart.

This is the end of our little TALE--
Wishing success for our BAKELESS BAKE SALE

Please send donations to:

Please put SMILE BOXES in your memo or subject line
All funds raised will go toward filling our Smile Boxes for OSF in Peoria

Every dollar will get you a raffle ticket in our drawing.
If you would like to donate to our raffle, please email
Miss Joyce (director@compassionatecrowns.org)
All items will be put on our web site for everyone to view until the drawing on October 1st!!!!

Winners will be notified by email or phone.
So don't forget to include this information when sending your donation!!

Thank you for your support,
Compassionate Crowns
Joyce DeBoer - Director

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