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Date Posted: 18:58:20 02/12/10 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: WORLD OF GLAMOUR NAT'L Free Photo Contest

AGE GROUP WINNERS: For each age group, we will have the following titles given (provided there are enough contestants to award the following titles):
QUEEN/KING , Princess/Prince, Sweetheart, 4 Runners Up, Top Finalists , and also in each age group, there will also be: Best Eyes, Best Hair, Best Smile, Best Dressed, Best Personality, Best Model
Grand and Mini Supremes in 0-3/4-9/10+
And one overall BOY SUPREME
GRAND SUPREME basically means that you had the "best overall photo" in that age bracket, based on:
the person in the photo (facial beauty, overall appearance, outfit, expression) AND the photo itself (overall look of the photo in terms of quality, style, etc.). MINI SUPREME is basically second place to Grand Supreme.
There's just one boy supreme but if there are several entries then I will add another Supreme title for the boys.
Plus there will be the following titles:
0-3/4-9/10+ Overall Most Beautiful
And, for the boys...Overall Most Handsome
This is sort of like the Supreme titles, except it is strictly based on facial beauty in your photo (not judging the actual style of the photo itself) just your face only.
Age Groups:
Girls: 0-1 / 2-3 / 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-12 / 13-15 / 16-19 / 20+
Boys: 0-2 / 3-6 / 7+
1) Only ONE photo per contestant.
2) Photos should be professional, glitz headshots.
3) Remember headshots only! Not portfolio pics, etc.
3) Photos may be color, sepia, or black-and-white.
4) All entrant's photos will be posted on this blog, and the winner's photos may be posted on various pageant congratulations message boards.
5) Photos are due by February 25th. Winners will be announced by the following week.
You MUST adhere to the following guidelines, please:
Send the entry photo by email, as an attachment.
In the subject line of the email, please type: "photo contest"
In the actual email, please type:
1) Name of the contestant
2) The contestant's age
3) If we should post the contestant's full name OR if we should post first name only.
(We do not want to post your child's full name anywhere without your consent.)
You email your photo to:
There are tiaras and title sashes available to be shipped to the winners if they would like to purchase a souvinir of their win. But they are not required. The contest is free.
The winners of the contest will be contacted later to be asked if they would like to purchase these souvinirs of their win.
ALL winners will have a congrats banner posted up on the blog (also on pageant message boards).
So......Let's Get Those Entries In! The contest is just for fun...and, let's be honest, it's fun to see who you can beat! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!! :-)

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