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Subject: Re: Language

Vernon R697530 (I thought so)
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Date Posted: 28/06/08 1:52pm
In reply to: Eddie Parsons 's message, "Re: Language" on 28/06/08 1:06pm

Just as i thought absolutely no manners what soever have you,just a plain Bigot,well if thats the way you are then tough Shit to you too!
Go suck a zoob mate! I lived my life as i saw fit like anyone else and we cant all be the Hero!
So you are the only one who served 2 years NS !!Wow!
So 14years in the MN is long a admit,but why brag about it then, you are not alone you know!!
I enjoyed my life in various places and Jobs mate and yes even the Foreign Legion was good!
An abundance of different jobs made me open my eyes to the World and i am not one who looks at people to critisise them,live and let live.
But i have met types like you before mate,and i wouldnt give a rats arse for you,so there! Clear off and hide under a rock YEA!! HAHA !! You are palinly one who thinks he knows it all,shame!!
No futher correspondence will be entered into with the likes of you.
Vernon R697530 RAF 4254836 AND proud!!!

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Subject Author Date
Re: LanguageEvan Lewis (Eddie Parsons?)29/06/08 1:45am
    Re: LanguageVernon R697530 (4 Evan)29/06/08 2:38am
    Re: LanguageEddie Parsons30/06/08 12:28pm

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