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Date Posted: 22:25:17 01/15/07 Mon
Author: besondere
Subject: ________________the passionless cannot change history

The kingdom of Besondere is ruled by an apathetic king too busy throwing extravagant parties and tending to the whims of his mistress to care for his citizens. His wife, the Queen, was a kind woman but sheltered and vacuous. Her death giving birth to the princess sent a shockwave throughout the nobility and while the lower class had loved their queen they murmured with hope, thinking the loss might wake their ruler into caring.

The Pawns, nobles who think like the King, are content with the world as it is. They have money and land, power and fun. Starving peasants and the slowly but steadily growing threats of invading tribes from the North earn hardly a thought from their gilded brains. To them a night at the Argyle Rooms or the purchase of a new horse solves all problems.

Luckily for the kingdom, there are a handful of power holders that are aware of the troubles and are trying to find solutions. These compassionate nobles are called Rooks by the world. They often give money or food to the lower class and a few of the bravest even have secret meetings with the hoods, giving them whatever they need to achieve their goals.

These Hoods are a well known piece of the political web. Some steal from the rich to give to the poor in true Robin Hood style, while others work towards a much bigger goal; overthrowing the king and placing someone of their choosing on the throne.

On the outside are the gypsies, peasants, thieves and pirates; just trying to get by and totally unaware of a plague that is quietly sneaking into their homes.

Which will you be, Pawn or Rook? King or Hood? Your decision may sway the future of your comrades and your kingdom.

enter besondere

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