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Date Posted: 10:05:08 01/16/07 Tue
Author: mac
Subject: //upon broken wings you will fly

The bond between family members is thought to be unbreakable. This is nothing more than an idealistic myth, meant for a world that is impossibly perfect. Ethantias is not that world. The bitter rivalry between two brothers has ensured that the once peaceful chain of Islands known as Ethantias is a place of fractured ties, dangerous betrayal and false hope. Unable to agree, the two brothers were forced to split the land apart, forming two kingdoms and an island reserved for the exiled.

The island of Ityrene is perhaps the most utopian island kingdom, resembling Ireland in its landscape and ruled by a fair and wise king. Equality between the sexes is stressed, and even the peasants do not live a life of excessive hours of toil. Magic users are welcomed, free from the accusations of being witches or being deemed as a threat to the kingdom. But perfection itself can pose problems, especially when Ityrene is seen as a place of refuge from those that wish to escape their life in a less idealistic place. What happens when the king’s own brother is a constant threat, rendering peace as a moment to savor?

The island of Utonova could be described as the opposite of the fair kingdom of Ityrene. Women are treated as cattle, and it is not uncommon for men to have more than one wife. The king himself has three in his possession. Peasants are seen as cockroaches, while magic users are exiled from their kingdom out of the fear that they will be able to spark a revolution to dethrone the current ruler.

The most misteryious of the three islands is that of Mandalay. Infants born in Utonova discovered to have magic are sent here, leaving it up to chance whether or not they are found by the inhabitants. Essentially it is an island of magic, transformed by the magically gifted people who were forced to live in the jungle of Mandalay.

To whom is your loyalty pledged? Will you fight injustice, take advantage of it for selfish intentions, or simply remain blissfully ignorant? Each path offers different but equally exciting and even dangerous possibilities. Make sure you don’t get hurt.

Ethantias is a brand new fantasy RPG loosely based in a medieval era. Intermediate to advanced writing skills (meaning the ability to write in paragraph form) is preferred, but a few beginners might be accepted if they exhibit the effort and desire to improve. Many high ranking characters are available for audition, but original characters are equally as welcome. Each character, whether or not he or she is a “main character”, can make a difference in the world of Ethantias. All that is needed is a bit of creativity and dedication.

NOTE: We are in great need of main characters, so please consider joining one of them. We have a lot of exciting plots in mind, but they can only happen with both main characters and characters in general since we are so low in members.

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