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Date Posted: 12:40:14 01/01/07 Mon
Author: Tammy
Subject: 2007 New Year's Resolution

2007 New Year's Pageant Resolution

The one thing I have learned over the last couple weeks, is that you never know who is posting what. I think we should all make a New Year's Resolution to get the negative OUT of pageants in 2007. Let's get pageants back to being a fun HOBBY for everyone, especially the kids. If we don't, pageants will eventually fade away, as people can only take so much negativity and then it just isn't fun for anyone, and we are close to that unless we change something!!

Let's put all the negative behind us and start over with a clean slate. Whether you have said negative things about a person because you thought they said something about you, or because you are hurt that their child beat yours, or for whatever reason, LET'S PUT THAT ALL BEHIND US AND START OVER!!!!

Let's all agree to contact a person directly if we hear or are told someone is saying something negative about us or our children. Let's agree to confront the person directly. I really believe a lot less lying will go on, if someone knows they may be confronted and asked about something that was said, instead of assuming someone said it. I would like to start a listing (I think I am going to make a board for this purpose only) of everyone who is willing to be contacted directly by someone if they are ever accused of saying negative things about others. A friend gave me this idea!!! - Someone I only considered a pageant mom before Dec 06, but now honestly can say I can call her my friend! This way, the email is there, you can contact them directly and ask if they said something negative about you. Let's not use the past though, let's start clean with 2007. Now realize, not everyone will still tell the truth as there are always those that lie, lie and lie. But I truly believe, the more people that decided to confront people instead of believing what is on these stupid boards, the less people will lie. If someone knows they may be confronted, I believe there is less chance they will actual lie and say the negative things. I also realize, not all situations can be put behind you as some have been hurt real bad, especially because of the green and pink boards and all the lying, but let's agree at least in those situations to drop them. Just ignore the person, don't post anything bad even about those people that have hurt you, JUST IGNORE THE NASTIES THAT LOVE BEING THAT WAY AND WON'T CHANGE!!!!

Let's all try to make some new pageant friends in 2007. If Susie and her mother are at a pageant, go up and say Hi. You may of heard they said something negative about you or your child, but how do you really know they did? It could of been someone playing a game on these stupid boards to make you believe they said something (that happened an awful lot in 2006). Give them a chance, wipe the slate clean. Who knows, you may really like Susie and her mother.

There are so many things our children can learn from pageants whether they win or lose. In fact, I believe they learn more by learning to lose gracefully then always winning. Almost everything in this world is a competition in some way. Life is a competition and learning they can't win all the time is a HUGE/IMPORTANT lesson for our children. None of our children are going to grow up to be a professional beauty queen LOL, so let's try to use pageants for them to have fun, make new friends, spend time together with their mom's (and dad's too) and learn some lessons they can take with them in their adult lives in the real world.

With that said
NES Pageants

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