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Date Posted: 06:43:02 03/10/03 Mon
Author: Arore, owner
Subject: Uhm...
In reply to: Nicole 's message, "**agrees**" on 17:43:38 03/09/03 Sun

Well, there's some suggestions. ;P

I'm done with the rpg owning for now. *sigh* I've had too many rpg's that have looked good, had good plots and were thought well out. I even used to write too much on the history/info/etc, to make sure the the story behind the rpg would be believable and there wouldn't be any empthy wholes in it. My first rpg were my best (Blue River/ Norther Sunrise) and to be honest it looked horrible when I first opened it (didn't have a clue what I were doing). But when I closed it down it had just over 300 members. And I think that were because I'd given it a hell of a lot of work, thought and everything.

But I think that all in all luck has a great deal when it comes to making a rpg. Not only that, but people are not that interested in joining. Almost all rpg's are not really good looking layout wise, they have good plots and they are mostly well done all in all. I think there are so many roleplays on the web that people have no idea what to pick. (Just look at any RP Alliance and see how long the lists are!)

So... Me just whining a bit, thinks it sad that I'm stopping owning rpg's beause it's extremely fun when you get a original, great idea and put it out to life. Oh well... *hurries of to do some updates on RPA, will soon add a RPA Top Ten List*

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