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Date Posted: 05:03:13 03/26/03 Wed
Author: Lisa
Subject: can anyone tell me what stage of RPer I am?

someone told me I was intermediate-advanced, but I'm not sure if I am...

{sample of my role playing}

The meadow is quiet, zephyrs softly blowing over the long yellowing grass, making it rustle and sway, in one never ending wave. Birds sing, from their perches in the emerald tops of the trees, as if to announce the arrival of the silver equine. The maiden steps silently from the trees, dark, liquid pools gazing over the expanse before her. Twin peaks are pricked, listening to the sounds of the meadow, paperthins wide. The branches of the trees creak softly, yet it is enough for tiara to be thrown up, tassels fluttering over nape. For a moment she stands still, muscles tense. Relaxing, flag is flicked casually over haunches, then the silver maiden walks forward. Slender appendages pause in their stride, a single talon raised over terra firma. She tosses tiara carelessly, before lowering it to the ground and beginning to graze.

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