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Date Posted: 05:21:11 03/26/03 Wed
Author: Sarah
Subject: Rainbow's Landing/Free Spirits/Junkyard Dogs


You scramble over yet another mountain, your breath coming in ragged gasps. Every time you breath out, a soft white cloud of mist hangs for a moment in the air before you, then wisps gently away, only to be replaced by another. The rocky ground is difficult to walk over for long periods, and your legs ache from the climbing. You see the peak in sight, and fight the urge to give up. Pulling your weary body up the last step, you look down with a mixture of wonder, joy, and relief.

For you are looking down upon a wonderful land. A land of rolling plains, lush forests, rivers, and lakes... All alone you stand on the mountain peak, the breauty and sheer power of your surroundings giving you strength.

Will you go down?

Free Spirits - **remodeled**

A land of old rubbish, of scavenging and hunting, of danger. Evade the dog collector, start a pack, have puppies, find enough food to live...

...as a Junkyard Dog

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