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Subject: You know why liberals are upset about January 6th? It's because they saw their own tactics effectively used against them, and they don't like it one bit.

It's really what it boils down to.
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Date Posted: Mon February 07, 2022 15:38:35

I guess burning down government offices, threatening officials by showing up en masse at their homes, and attacking anything that represented authority doesn't count.

Meanwhile, it took a day to clean up the damage to the halls of Congress. If that mob was trying to "overthrow" the government, they sure as hell didn't seem to act that way.

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Cost of damages were totalled at 1.5 million. However, goverment bloat and corruption led the Fed to be billed over 30 million dollars. (NT)In other words, minimal damage in compared to paranoid hypeMon February 07, 2022 17:28:56
Probably because there was no reason for the "tourist visit" that was "legitimate political discourse" in the first place (NT)Since the Orange Turd lost in a "landslide"Tue February 08, 2022 21:20:38
The last time our US Capitol was attacked was in 1814, during the War of 1812 with Britain. The Confederates had the decency to leave the US Capitol alone during the Civil War! But Fascist Trump? (NT)Trump KNEW it was going to happen; he is mostly to blameThu February 10, 2022 18:56:07
I come back from a 2 week vacation and find the same bs from CONS who haven't figured out that NO Democrat EVER tried to steal an election or invade the US Capitol. Because I'm a long time employee (NT)I STILL have 2 more weeks of vacation to take! :)Mon June 20, 2022 14:46:18

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