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Subject: My two cents, since you asked...

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Date Posted: Sat January 14, 2023 11:38:10
In reply to: We knew what YOUR answer would be 's message, "And" on Fri January 13, 2023 15:02:44

I think it's a big nothing burger.

This is the corner that liberals have painted themselves into. The original investigation into the "scandal" of Trump having classified documents was simply a partisan attack.

Trump did not have documents related to national security. He did not sell secrets to the Russians. He did exacerbate things by not handing them over. The raid was purely symbolic for both sides. For Dems, it cemented this notion that Trump is some sort of Mafia figure. For Trump and his supporters, it cemented the notion that he's a victim of oppression.

But the problem is, liberals painted themselves into a corner. You can't not investigate this, after making such a hue and cry about Trump's actions. Let's face it, probably every president in modern times has classified information they took with them. It's part and parcel for the office, especially if you have an eye on writing your memoirs.

So I think this with Biden is a stupid scandal
As I think the Trump raid was a stupid bit of political theater.

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