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Subject: Re: 26/9/07

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Date Posted: 09:01:29 09/23/07 Sun
In reply to: RICKY 's message, "Re: 26/9/07" on 08:10:26 09/23/07 Sun

thanks ricky,
因為26/9 可能會rain, 同埋唔係??想睇?火蟲,
所以我拿主意, 唔去睇?火蟲啦,
同埋要夠十?人, 果日chu chu 原來a/n 呀,

所以私下商議後決定先去?下午茶, 跟住上chu chu ricky 新屋坐下,(大家?下o係佢屋企有冇咩好玩, ricky 有uno)
then 6-7點到去九?城食dinner.
有其他suggestion 可以提出.
本來如果唔rain 都可以去我屋企玩下candle.
不過天文台?好似會rain. 所以希望下年有機會啦~
如果冇?題就2pm 旺角先逹地下等~
睇到message ?一定要reply, ?我地?你知?日時間地點.
如果冇改動, 就?confirm 左架啦. 唔會再打??通知.
冇reply 我地先再打??contact 大家啦~ok?!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: 26/9/07

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Date Posted: 09:46:38 09/23/07 Sun

don't know y my message always change to another coding.
You can see the chinese after changing the coding to simplflied chinese, if you don't know how to change it to the simplflied Chinese, just read the message in the blanket. which is in eng.

>thanks ricky,

因為26/9 可能會rain, 同埋唔係??想睇?火蟲,
(it may rains on 26/9, and not everyone like to see the firefly)

所以我拿主意, 唔去睇?火蟲啦,
(So I make a decision, we are not going to see the fireflies)

同埋要夠十?人, 果日chu chu 原來a/n 呀,都唔想佢咁辛苦.
(moreover, it need ten ppl to form the tour, but chu chu was a/n on that day, it may be too harsh for her to travel)

(so after a private discussion, we decided to enjoy an afternoo tea,)

跟住上chu chu ricky 新屋坐下,大家?下o係佢屋企有無咩好玩, ricky 有uno.
(after that, visit ricky and chu chu's new home. let's think of anything to do in there home, ricky got uno. actually I think just talk is already a good activity)

then 6-7點到去九?城食dinner.
(then, at around 6-7PM, have dinner at kowloon city.)

(what is your opinion? agree or not?)

有其他suggestion 可以提出.
(feel free to have other suggestion)

本來如果唔rain 都可以去我屋企玩下candle.
(if it is not raining, we can play candle at my home,)

不過天文台?好似會rain. 所以希望下年有機會啦~
(but observatory dep said that it may rain on that day, so hope to play again next year la)

如果冇?題就2pm 旺角先逹地下等~
(if you got no questions or other suggestions to our plan, we will see you at 2pm at mongkok. "sin tak" (the shopping mall for mobile phone and games ar~)ground floor.

睇到message ?一定要reply, ?我地?你知?日時間地點.
(if you got my message, pls reply, so that I can make sure you know the details.)

如果冇改動, 就?confirm 左架啦. 唔會再打??通知.
if there is no change. we will not contact you again. confirmed ga la~)

冇reply 我地先再打??contact 大家啦~ok?!
(if we did not see your reply, we will contact u or you can call ricky or my for details.ok?)

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: 26/9/07

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Date Posted: 09:07:02 09/24/07 Mon

ok, see u all 2pm there

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