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Date Posted: 11:06:04 01/20/09 Tue
Author: Chani
Subject: Re: Questions
In reply to: rmartin 's message, "Questions" on 05:13:03 01/19/09 Mon

If it isn't Tigh Caprica is a new version of Mary minus the virgin stuff!

Helo and Sharon had Hera; Tigh and Tyrol prove that the Five can procreate with both skinjobs and colonials...Methinks that the three races are very very very close DNA-wise, close enough to interbreed.

The timeline is still a bit confusing but the Final Five or the people from Earth, whose remains Baltar tested and IDed as Cylons, seemed to have existed a long time before the "evolved Cylons" – the new Centurions and skinjobs appeared – when the mini-serie began. The 13th tribe stuff is now very intriguing. Why did they leave Kobol?

The other tribes left Kobol for the 12 colonies 2000 years ago, just when Earth was nuked. There's obviously a link. Do we know the reason they left?

The Final Five could be even much older than we think, perhaps the last five survivors of a first lost humanity, doomed to survive and try again, make a new humanity over and over, hence the Final Five name and "The plan" and the "it happened and it will happen again". Skinjobs assumed that Final Five means Five of THEM and that they were 12 models, but they might have been mistaken.

The only weird thing is that Earth!Ellen only seemed to be aware of a Plan in the flashbacks we got, but I wouldn't be surprised if our Colonials from the 12 tribes turned out to be Cylons too, which would mean that everybody is both cylon and human at the end of the day.

Bottom line, someone is always the Cylon of someone's else.

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