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I liked better the second time -- Chani, 21:29:22 01/28/09 Wed [1]
Doubting or challenging fatherhood seems to be the leitmotiv of the episode. Lee used to be the one with father issues but not anymore. Gaeta is in his shoes now!
Saul is processing his miracle fatherhood during the ultrasound scene. Everyone sees the embryo but him. However he holds Caprica's hand and he sounds happy at the end of the day. It was a sweet scene. Michael Hogan rocks! I loved how Dr Cottle told him to use his eyes before backpedaling "your eye" and eventually shoving a cigaret into his mouth.
The shots on the nurse weren't very subtle. I hope it's a red herring and she will not try to kill the future saviour of the Cylon nation!
Tyrol finds out he isn't Nicholas' biological father and Hot Dog has to face unexpected fatherhood. It was nicely done.
The fleet is challenging Papa Adama's decisions, Gaeta embodying the children's revolt. By the way I loved how Saul insisted on his saying "sir" when talking to Adama!
And Baltar now questions the Father God he'd been preaching until they reached the wasted Earth. The end of the scene was well done with his nochalantly smoking his cig. Old Baltar is definitely back!
This is also the episode in which Adama keeps picking pieces of paper from the floor. Cleaning the mess?
And he takes loads of pills. He seems to go on medication just when Roslin decides to quit hers. I've read a few speculations about Adama being actually the dying leader instead of Laura...I don't care much about their romance and I could have lived without the ending scene that was a bit cliche but fortuntaley short. If Adama is the dying leader it could mean that he would lead the fleet to a new home. Earth was never meant to be that home, they all assumed it was but they were wrong.
Richard Hatch was good; Zarek's sarcastic line about wondering what Lee's job was spot on. By the way has anyone figured out what Helo's job in the CIC is now?
I like Kara's line to Felix about the fact she would hit a cripple. Badass Starbuck is back!
On a shallow note. I like Baltar with short hair. Lee's new hair is fabulous but Helo's hair looked weird.
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