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Masterguard and Triad Safety provide some valuable knowledge concerning fire safety and the truth about common smoke detectors. The also provide quality products that really do save lives...The problem is, they are MLM companies. There are so many people getting a piece of each sale, that they have to charge ridiculous prices for their systems. ($1800 - $3500 on average) I attended the Triad training courses and I have a full understanding of how the program works. The bottom line is this: They pass along VERY important information that every family should know about fire safety. The information is true (I researched it myself) and very shocking. An individual can take this information, educate his customers, sell them the correct equipment and and make a wonderful and VERY PROFITABLE career out of protecting families. However, you can do this on your own at a much cheaper cost than working through Masterguard or Triad. You can also sleep well at night, knowing that you didn't over charge anyone for keeping their family safe. If anyone in interested in more info, I can teach you what it would take you a week to learn in training classes. Then you can start the same type of business yourself, without being part of a MLM operation. Just drop me an e-mail at sthrnguy19@yahoo.com and be sure to include "safety" n the subject line.

Archives: 1234 ]

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